1. What is the Luttrel Psalter? What does it portray?
2. What type of source is the Luttrell Psalter
3. Why is the Luttrell Psalter a unique document?
The Luttrell Psalter is a manuscript that shows the everyday lives of people in the Middle Ages. Its just like a diary! It's a very used source because it is being used for drawing and writing anything people would want in the Middle Ages. It shows the difference of people's lives in the Middle Ages. It shows how the high class people lived (Kings, Queens, Prince/Princesses.) It shows how the middle class people such as Priests lived and then the peasants and very low class people lived. King's ruling and trying to make sure that they are do the right things and making the right choices. And then compairing to the peasants having to work their hearts out to make sure they get all their jobs done and it's very hard on them. The Luttrell Psalter is very unique because other psalter would be made for religious purposes but the Luttrell Psalter is the real written or drawn psalters that the rich and high class people had, and the lives of the low class peasant that worked for them.
What type of source is it? 4/5